Body Code 2.0 Free Download

What is the Body Code System? The Body Code System was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a Holistic Chiropractic Physician and Medical Intuitive and one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology. The Body Code deals with balancing the body in all aspects of health- including emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, toxicity and more. The Body Code is a very sophisticated and complete method of body balancing and is designed to detect the underlying causes of imbalance that usually go undetected. The technique is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting any underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and imbalance in the body often disappear, the body is often better able to function as it should, energy levels often increase, and emotional issues often become manageable or balanced. The body is made up of energy. This energy can be negatively influenced in a number of ways, and symptoms of these energy imbalances can manifest as a host of health issues. Practically all health issues fall under the 6 categories of imbalance that are covered in The Body Code System:

  • Circuitry – The organs, glands and muscles that make up our physical body.
  • Energetic – These are generally trapped emotions.
  • Pathogens – Fungal, Bacterial, Viral, mold and Parasites.
  • Nutritional – The food we eat, including herbs and nutrients.
  • Structural – The bones, nerves, and connective tissue.
  • Toxicity – Heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals and other environmental toxins.
Body Code 2.0 Free Download

The first official ROBLOX body package. You get a cool new set of arms, leg, and a torso - all for one money!!! The Body Code System could be your key to break free from the health obstacles that have been standing in your way, providing a fast and simple way to experience more joy and freedom in your life. However, The Body Code isn’t just for you. Using the skills that you will learn, you could also help your loved ones and friends.

Most health problems that we face can be traced to an imbalance in one of these 6 areas… and that is why The Body Code System is so powerful. It uses the power of the Subconscious Mind in conjunction with muscle testing and The Body Code Mind Maps, shown below, to quickly pinpoint and correct these damaging energy imbalances. What’s the difference between The Emotion Code and The Body Code? The Emotion Code is a part of the Body Code. The Emotion Code is about finding and releasing emotional baggage. The Body Code is about finding and releasing all different kinds of imbalances that can happen in the human body such as pathogens, toxins, structural imbalances, nutritional issues, energetic imbalances (which includes emotional imbalances), circuitry in the body, etc.

Body Code 2.0 Free Download

Does The Body Code treat disease? Neither The Body Code nor The Emotion Code are ever to be used to treat disease; instead, they are used to remove the underlying causes of imbalance, allowing the body to heal itself.

How are sessions done? My Body Code sessions may be done over the telephone or via video chat (such as Skype). You will let me know what you would like to work on at the beginning of your session and we’ll go from there.

The Body Code 2.1

*Please note that although The Body Code can be done in person, via email and proxy sessions, at this time I am only doing phone and video chat (Skype) sessions.

Code Version 2.0

How many sessions will I need? Some emotional and physical conditions may require only one session. More than 1 session may be needed, however, depending on how many imbalances are found. After a session, the body then needs to process what it has released and balanced. Your body knows how much it can safely release, balance and process at one time. This processing usually takes 1-2 days, but can take up to 4 or 5 days or more. Each person is different in how much they can process and how they process.