Cheat Code Database Free Download


Cheatbook DataBase 2019 is a freeware cheats code tracker that makes hints, tips and cheats for PC, Walkthroughs. The encyclopedia of game cheats. CheatBook DataBase 2019 - Games Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips and Tricks. Apr 10, 2013  Outline This is a cheat database that covers HEAPS of games, if you cant find your own game(s) in this file you can always edit it and add your own, learn more on how to do that here Download Download the usercheat.dat file here Installation Copy the usercheat.dat into the rpgcheats folder Useage Insert your.

Dec 08, 2015 Additional cheat database on PSX Emulation Cheater. Details below: + 459 normal cheat + 929 cheat code + 33 comment + 60 Quantity digits + 30672 Quantity Modifiers + 7 Compression declarations.

Size: 69.6MB


Publisher:Publisher | Listed Programs

Release Date: 2018-01-19

Cheat Code Database

Submit Date: 2018-01-19

Cheat Code Database Free Download Free

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-Bit/64-Bit)

Downloads: 76421


Cheat code database free download free
Editor's RatingCheat code database 2008Cheat Code Database Free Download
Reviewed on January 19, 2018
Cheat codes seem like they're getting harder to find. The days of dozens of great cheat sites are gone, as are most of the magazines that used to publish the codes. Now, finding codes that actually work is difficult. Fortunately, there are a few sites out there still trying to do the right thing for gamers. If you're looking for cheats for a game, the best place to look is still Cheatbook. If you're looking for a great source that will deliver you cheats for everything, you'll want to look at CheatBook-DataBase 2018.

CheatBook-DataBase 2018 release is definitely one of the better compilations of cheat codes out there. Instead of just providing you with a simple list, it provides a full tracking experience that will let you find codes and cheats for console and PC games alike. It's one of the most fully fleshed-out cheat experiences out there, one that's as good for finding quick hints as it is for finding ways to totally circumvent the normal course of a game. The database isn't quite perfect, but it's still amazing in its breadth.

Cheat Code Database Free Download For Windows 10

Perhaps the biggest selling point for this compilation is the sheer depth of the content. You're not just going to find the biggest games to be released during the year - which are here - but a number of titles you really wouldn't expect to see. From indie games to some of the gems of the past, you'll find a variety of releases that are sure to help you to improve your gaming experience. It's a pleasant surprise to see some of these titles, many of which have been forgotten about by most cheat sites. When they say that they've got a ton of codes accessible through the database, they're not lying.

Being that it's the annual edition, as one might expect, this cheat compilation does miss out on some of the later releases during the calendar year. This isn't exactly something that could be helped, of course, but rather it is something that gamers should keep in mind. Consider it to be one of the inherent flaws of trying to update a cheat list every month - there are just always going to be things that don't make the cut. The games you want to beat are probably on this list, but there's a chance that you'll have to wait to find the cheats you want.

Cheatbook's database edition is a great look at the cheats for the cheats that have been released so far. Sure, it's a little light on the stuff released at the tail end of the year, but it's still a great resource. If you really need an all-in-one source for your cheats, you can definitely do much worse than this database. As always, the biggest issue you'll run into will be the lack of new releases - but fortunately, you can depend on the site's monthly cheat releases to help make up for that. Cheats are always evolving, but it's nice to have something dependable on which you can fall back.

The annual edition of CheatBook Database which includes cheats from the first CheatBook Jan. 1998 until today. This edition includes a number of improvements as suggested by user feedback. The developer encourages users to continue to provide feedback to further improve each release.

Some of the new features include:

Cheat Code Database Free Download Pc

  • the ability to add your own cheats
  • users can store files
  • cheat stats are available
  • now includes filters
  • improved search feature
  • new section for solutions
  • import feature for your own databases
  • more