Javascript Calendar Code Free Download


Aug 29, 2018 Some might assume that an Internet loaded with the free code would breed indolence. Yet it seems developers are willing to contribute their help to projects more than ever before. JavaScript libraries are a microcosm of the larger open source community – specifically jQuery with its ever-growing popularity and easy learning curve. About the code Parallax Flipping Calendar. Flipping calendar with HTML, CSS and little JS. Demo Image: Calendar Calendar. A calendar that tells you how many events happened on a particular date. Made by Benjamin March 31, 2017.

A calendar that tells you how many events happened on a particular date.
Made by Benjamin
March 31, 2017

It’s A Calendar Sort Of Thing

Calendar with nice animations & interactions.
Made by Jack Thomson
March 19, 2017

Infinite Calendar

A liquid & ‘light-weight’ calendar. There’s no libraries in this exercise, it’s really hand-crafted.
Made by Tadaima
January 31, 2017

Responsive Calendar

Flexbox responsive calendar.
Made by Gabi
January 3, 2017

Free Javascript Calendar Code

Calendar Mockup

Very quick mockup of calendar.
Made by Dan Couper
October 29, 2016



Calendar with HTML, CSS and JS.
Made by Dali
October 18, 2016

Circular Calendar Display

A circular calendar and clock display, with and added weather and daily activity widget mock-ups.
Made by Matthew Juggins
September 25, 2016

React Date Range Picker

Date picker in React, you can select a range of dates.
Made by Rob Vermeer
August 29, 2016

Calendar In ReactJs

Calendar using ReactJs (beginner level).
Made by Ricardo Barbosa
August 16, 2016

Date And Time Picker

Date and time picker directive.
Made by Jarom Vogel
June 10, 2016

Calendar App

This is a calendar application. It allows for browsing dates and selecting individual dates. You can schedule events on future days.
Made by Joey Lea
May 31, 2016

jQuery Datepicker Summer Vibe

Simple styling of the jQuery UI datepicker.
Made by Håvard Brynjulfsen
May 13, 2016

Calendar And Clock

Calendar and clock with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Made by mselmany
February 17, 2016

CSS-only Colorful Calendar Concept

Click on the arrows (when enabled) and the highlighted date to see the effect.You can also go back in your browser to navigate between scenes, or click the left arrow in the schedule view. Works in all modern browsers.
Made by David Khourshid
November 9, 2015


Calendar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Made by Mark
November 8, 2015

Flexbox Calendar

Responsive flexbox calendar with retina images.
Made by Dudley Storey
August 30, 2015

Haml Calendar

HTML and CSS calendar.
Made by Katy DeCorah
August 6, 2015


A flexible calendar plugin.
Made by Romswell Roswell Parian Paucar
May 22, 2015

Bootstrap Compatable Calendar

Bootstrap calendar.
Made by Bill Barry
September 25, 2014

Javascript Calendar Code Free Download 2016

Event Calendar Widget

A nice looking calendar with nice transistions.
Made by Paul Navasard
February 16, 2014


Datepicker in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Made by White Wolf Wizard
September 8, 2013


Calendar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Made by B8bop
September 5, 2013

The requirement of calendars in a website is obvious. A website user may need to see a calendar on a certain website for several reasons. The user may need to pick up a date from the calendar to fill up a form or maybe he is asked to provide a date while delivering any information. Sometimes, in order to give monthly information, the user may need to use a calendar in a website. The reason may be anything but it cannot be ignored. That is why there are lots of techniques in this vast world of web. All these technologies are designed in order to make the use of websites easier and more interesting.

The use of the JavaScript technique in the process of making web calendars is being introduced with the same motto of making the use of websites easier. When the website users or customers need to put any date or include months or years in a particular form, these JavaScript calendars really come handy for them. They don’t need to go anywhere else to see the date or collect the monthly information. All they need to do is to select the right day and month from that calendar. These jQuery calendars have lots of unique features for the users. They can add your daily schedules in these calendars or add events and meetings just as you do in the traditional ones. These jQuery calendars are perfect for maintaining daily routines and tasks. These are very easy to handle and stylish in designs. Moreover, some of them are customizable according to the need of the users. In the customized versions of JavaScript calendars, one can set the weekend, holidays; week offs etc. to maintain a weekly schedule.

Furthermore, these calendars can be availed in two versions – free and premium. In case of the free JavaScript/jQuery calendars, you don’t need to invest anything to avail this feature in your website. Both versions are good for websites that need to have online calendars. They are time-saving as well and that is what makes these calendars so popular these days.

In order to fulfill the rising demand for user friendly websites among the internet users, web professionals have created new and better technologies. With these technologies, browsing websites has become easier and more thrilling. But since these techniques are very sensitive you have to use them very carefully in order to get the best result out of them.

Free JavaScript/jQuery Calendars

Calendar using jQuery and CSS3

The component has a polished and exquisite design. Although you can easily reset default colors via CSS file, yet in a dark skin it looks especially refined. It is one of the items from Futurico UI Pro that was professionally brought into life by Valeriu Timbuc. The developer leverages jQuery and jQuery UI. There is also a step by step tutorial that takes 30 minutes of your precious time yet clarifies the solution.

With Postcards you can create and edit email templates online without any coding skills! Includes more than 100 components to help you create custom emails templates faster than ever before.

jQuery Frontier Calendar

jQuery Frontier Calendar has an appearance that is very similar to calendar interfaces in iOS. There are lots of gradients, open space, shadows and ultra-thin techno-inspired typeface that all together recreates the aesthetics. jQuery in its turn glues everything together and provides the component with dynamics.

Date Picker

Date Picker is a universal component that lets set date in three different UIs. Thanks to an extensive customization options panel you are able to tune it whatever you like. It cooperates with viewports so that you can easily use it in responsive layouts. Although it is claimed to have a flat mode, yet, controllers still have a 3d dimension flavor.

Javascript Calendar Code free. download full

JS Calendar

JS Calendar is a small, clean and neatly crafted script that extends the functionality of any project with a basic and pretty looking date picker. Thanks to JavaScript, it is cross-browser. It supports 12 languages including German, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Swedish and Czech. What’s more, there is a version in DHTML Suite for applications package.

A CSS styled calendar

A CSS Styled Calendar gets a splendid and subtle look from carefully realized flat style and smooth, gorgeous coloring. It is also super lightweight since it is created on the basis of CSS. Visit the official page and find out more about this component that by the way has an accompanying tutorial.

With Startup App and Slides App you can build unlimited websites using the online website editor which includes ready-made designed and coded elements, templates and themes.

Premium JavaScript/jQuery Calendars

Simple Events Calendar JS

Simple Events Calendar JS is charged with dynamics and powerful features thanks to jQuery Framework. It looks professional, complex and elegant at the same time. It offers methods, formats and some extra options for better customization. It is well documented and supports a whole bunch of languages.

oCalendar -jquery Event Calendar Plugin

Javascript Calendar

Comes with ten different styles, oCalendar is a compact and reliable component. It shows a traditional calendar on your project and lets users pick or set the desired date. It is resizable, has search events and gives some extra possibilities when it comes to handling events from the client side. It can be quickly and easily integrated into any part of a layout, just include plugin and create div with a special identifier.


Javascript Calendar Code Free Download Free

JSCalendar bears an old-timey atmosphere with its sharp techno typeface and peculiar greyish color scheme. It is a JavaScript class that does not require any other JS libraries. So that all the modern browsers, including even IE6+, support it. It has two standard modes: inline and popup. You can use a keyboard to operate it and choose the language that suits you most.


Javascript Code For Calendar

Date interfaces are integral elements of various projects starting from standard forms in websites that offer online services and ending with booking pages on hotel websites. The beauty of this component lies in its functionality rather than on design. As a result, the majority of such widgets has a modest, plain skin, an ungenerous set of customization options and a pair of controls. However, when it comes to other possibilities such as browser compatibility or responsiveness they have it all, and the listed above components show it in practice.

Javascript Calendar Code Free Download 2017

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